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Home Window guards Open the window, open the window, open the window, safety window bars, high-rise protective children's safety, self installed window gate, no punching installation, safety, blue gray customization: width 60-70cm/half
$55 (tax inclusive)
Open the window, open the window, open the window, safety window bars, high-rise protective children's safety, self installed window gate, no punching installation, safety, blue gray customization: width 60-70cm/half
Open the window, open the window, open the window, open the window, open the window, open the window, open the window, open the window, open the window, open the window, open the window, open the window, open the window, open the window, open the win...
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Product name: Open window, open window, safety window bars, high-rise protective child safety, self installed window gate, no punching installation, safety, blue gray, customized: width 60-70cm/halfProduct name: Open window, open window, safety window bars, high-rise protective child safety, self installed window gate, no punching installation, safety, blue gray, customized: width 60-70cm/half
Product number: 10062299075926Product number: 10062299075926
Store: Qichuang Flagship StoreStore: Qichuang Flagship Store
Gross weight of product: 1.0kgGross weight of product: 1.0kg
Article number: HalfArticle number: Half
System window: non system windowSystem window: non system window
Door opening method: outward openingDoor opening method: outward opening
Does it include screen windows? No screen windowsDoes it include screen windows? No screen windows
Customizable: CustomizableCustomizable: Customizable
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